How do I keep my accounts safe from hackers?

Imagine this scenario.

You came back from work, upon reaching your doorstep, you discovered that your door lock has been changed. You stepped back a bit to check the building you are standing in front of. Is this not my house? You asked yourself.

You looked around, the building was repainted, everything looks different from what you left behind when leaving for the office.

An idea came to you, why not report this to the securities? You asked yourself. Getting to the security post, files checked. The name of the house owner was updated few hours ago to a different name which the security kept discrete.

The security agent then tells you not to trespass someone else’s property.

I’m stranded, what do I do? My kids, my cookies , no more Xbox games, all gone? You say to yourself.

Don’t wait till you get hacked before knowing what it means to be hacked

What does it actually mean to be hacked in layman’s understanding.

It means when someone has unauthorized access to your account there by taking over it completely. What the account is used for depends on the hacker but in many scenarios, it is used for fraudulent acts.

Just like the scenario above, your account password is like the key to your main door. Revealing it is like giving a stranger a spare key to your door. You can’t tell when next he will enter and take advantage of your space.

A password safe
Just the way a key holder that holds the key to every room of the house.

A password safe is a software application that allows users to securely store and manage their passwords and other sensitive information. It works by encrypting the data and providing a master password to access the stored information.

The importance of using a password safe cannot be overstated, as it helps to prevent security breaches and data theft. Many people use the same password for multiple accounts, which can make them vulnerable to hackers. A password safe enables users to create complex and unique passwords for each account, without the need to remember them all.

Aside using it for passwords, you can use it to store security questions and answers to your account just the way it was written down.

Moreover, password safes can also help users to generate strong passwords, store other sensitive information such as credit card details, and provide extra security features like two-factor authentication. With a password safe, users can have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and protected.

Avoid phishing messages.
“Your account password has expired, please sign in to this link to renew it”

Phishing message is not limited to email and text. It can come as voice call too.

Here are some common traits to look out for:

Phishing emails often create a sense of urgency, suggesting that you need to take immediate action to avoid negative consequences.

Suspicious links:
Phishing emails often contain links to fake websites that are designed to look like legitimate ones, such as a bank or social media site. These links may be misspelled or have slight variations from the actual website.

Requests for personal information:
Phishing emails often ask you to provide personal information, such as your username, password, or credit card number.

Poor grammar or spelling:
Many phishing emails are sent from non-native speakers of the language, and thus, may contain poor grammar, spelling mistakes or syntax errors.

Spoofed email addresses:
Phishing emails may appear to be from a legitimate sender or company, but closer inspection of the email address will show that it is actually from a different domain or a spoofed email address.

Attachments or downloads:
Phishing emails may contain attachments or links that, when clicked, download malware onto your computer or device.

Unusual requests or scenarios:
Phishing emails may contain unusual or unexpected requests or scenarios, such as asking you to send money to a foreign country or claiming that you’ve won a prize in a competition you never entered.

Always be wary of emails that ask you to provide sensitive information, and take the time to carefully review the email and its contents before responding or taking any action.

Use two factor authentication.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security that requires users to provide two different types of identification to access an online account. The first factor is typically a password, and the second factor is something that the user possesses, such as a mobile phone or a hardware token.

When a user logs in to an account with 2FA enabled, they will be prompted to enter their password as usual. However, in addition to the password, they will also be required to provide the second factor of authentication. This could be a unique code sent to their mobile phone via text message or a one-time code generated by an authentication app, or a biometric factor like facial recognition.

By requiring two factors of authentication, it becomes much more difficult for an attacker to gain access to an account, even if they have somehow obtained the user's password. This is because they would also need to possess the user's mobile phone or hardware token in order to complete the login process.

Overall, using two-factor authentication is a highly effective way to protect online accounts from unauthorized access and keep them secure. It adds an additional layer of security that makes it much harder for attackers to compromise an account, helping to keep sensitive data and personal information safe.

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