Even a snake didn’t break the focus of one U.S. military sniper.
While conducting a 1-173 Infantry training exercise, a southern black racer snake slid across the barrel of junior U.S. Army National Guard sniper Pfc. William Snyder's rifle. The exercise was performed at Eglin Air Force Base on April 7, according to the Alabama National Guard.
Apparently, the sniper’s camouflaged ghillie suit even hid him from the unexpecting snake.
“Our snipers are trained to remain perfectly still for hours on end when in position and remain invisible to enemies and even wildlife,” the Alabama National Guard wrote in a Facebook post.
Luckily, black racers are not venomous, though they will bite to defend themselves.
Snyder was not immediately available for comment when contacted by Fox News on Wednesday.
Madeline Farber is a Reporter for Fox News. You can follow her on Twitter @MaddieFarberUDK.
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